Environmental & Sustainability Policy


We want to deliver exceptional, well-planned events for our clients that help make
a positive impact on society and contribute to a more sustainable future. Oval
Digbeth aim to manage our operations by strongly considering the impact past,
present and future actions may have on the welfare of future generations. We do
this whilst also maintaining a realistic set of goals that we know we can achieve by
bearing in mind the effect our business can have on the environment.

We are committed to doing business in ways that do not take more from the
planet than it can sustainably provide and not provide to the earth more than it
can sustainably absorb.

Our ESG team are passionate individuals who ensure we are on track towards our
environmental and sustainability goals. We fully understand that caring for our
environment is fundamental to assuring a sustainable future for all. This impacts
how we manage the day to day operations of our offices, how we manage events
and our relationships with partners, clients and suppliers.

We believe in making real changes in small steps; working from the ground
upwards. These changes have been and continue to be derived from a genuine
concern and care for the planet.

Business summary
We aim to continuously demonstrate being a sustainable events organisation. We
keep sustainability at the core of event practices from start to finish and will
continuously make improvements.

We aim to leave behind a better environmental legacy by:

  • Complying with all relevant existing environmental legislation
  • Minimising our waste footprint
  • Reduce harmful emissions wherever possible
  • Reduce consumption of materials and promote recycling
  • Sourcing local produce
  • Managing energy and water usage wisely

Continuous improvement
Oval Digbeth is currently researching various routes to improvement which
involves the use of external agencies and stakeholders. We acknowledge this is an
ongoing and developing piece of work and will review our policies on a regular
basis to take into account new developments and stakeholder expectations.

Our Environmental & Sustainability Policy applies to all internal office operations
and all events we hold on behalf of our clients.

This Policy is designed to clearly identify the minimum requirements for our event
organisers in relation to the planning and implementation of their event but we
welcome those organisers who wish to embrace greater elements of sustainability
through their event and we will work closely wth them to achieve their goals.

Policy Statement
The Environmental & Sustainability Policy aims to reduce adverse environmental,
social and economic impacts and make positive contributions to the operations of
Oval Digbeth and our clients!"events.

Oval Digbeth has identified four key areas of consideration. We ask that event
organisers demonstrate that sustainable options in the following categories have
been considered and measures undertaken as follows:

1. Waste Minimisation and Resource Recovery

Events can generate large amounts of waste. We have in house facilities to allow
reasonable levels of recovery for the waste that is produced.

This is achieved by the following actions:

  • Recycling all recyclable items where appropriate systems are available, including glass, paper, cardboard, plastic and packaging.
  • Requesting that clients don’t use single use plastic badge holders for registration.
  • Allowing clients to use their own cups for tea & coffee service,
  • Ensuring that our in-house recycling process for paper, cardboard, plastic and glass is operating effectively. Wherever possible ensuring that similar recycling processes are in place for our suppliers
  • Reducing waste through sustainable purchasing including holding our own furniture stock to avoid transport miles, avoiding using disposables or single use items wherever possible and controls to ensure that consumables ordered on behalf of clients are to their exact order to avoid waste. Our waste management service provider has been carbon neutral since 2011.
  • If we do have food waste this is donated to a local charity.


2. Water and Energy Use.

Events can be high water and energy consumers. It is important to develop and
implement measures to minimise water and energy consumption and to
communicate these measures to our staff and clients.

This will be achieved by adopting the following practices:


  • Reducing energy and water use and increasing energy efficiency through behavioural change. All taps in the venue are operated by sensors. If we have to procure equipment on behalf of a client we will endeavour to hire energy efficient equipment for such things as additional lighting and hire equipment.
  • Heating and lighting is turned off when rooms are not in use.


3. Equipment and Supplies

Equipment and supplies can often travel large distances before finally being put to
use. Transport (and therefore distances travelled) is a major contributor to
greenhouse gas emissions. It is essential we consider the lifecycle of equipment
and supplies associated with an event to ensure sustainable purchasing decisions
are made.

This can be done through the following:

  • Using products and services that are less greenhouse gas intensive in their production, transport and use (for example, wherever possible choosing local, not national suppliers)
  • Choosing products that have minimal packaging
  • Encouraging clients to use our existing stock of furniture.
  • Working with suppliers to ensure the availability of preferential products andservices
  • Seeking partners whose values align with our own objectives (for example packaging suppliers that use only biodegradable and recyclable food containers)
  • Using local suppliers for our food requirements and we do our best to limit the deliveries required in a week.


4. Transportation

Transport is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. There are a range of
sustainable transport alternatives available for organisers and event participants.

These include the following:

1. Encouraging event attendees, suppliers and staff to use more
environmentally friendly methods of transport for commuting to and from
the event including electric bikes, scooters and, soon, the tram.

2. Exploring the feasibility with our ESG team of off-setting greenhouse gas
emissions for clients and staff to and from events.